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It's all about Quality

Thank you must go to Angella Chimenya for a very interactive Pro-Active Community meeting today recapping the Quality Checker training.

What does Quality mean to you?

Robert told us, “A good standard, something that matches my own wants and needs”

Michael said, “a service we are pleased with”

The members focused on
what makes a good support worker
what makes a good home?

Suggestions ranged from being good at listening, encouraging me to try new things, supporting me if I make mistakes, being happy, reliable, having a great sense of humour, not taking themselves too seriously, through to offering me choice and being inspirational, motivational and kind.

Everyone agreed their home must feel like home, be where they want to live, near what they want or need, safe, clean, and with people who are considerate of each other, offering security and stability.

Quality Checkers have a very valuable role ensuring service providers stay on track and adhere to the best possible solutions and services based on individual needs and wants.

If you would like to have your services, homes or premises Quality Checked by experts with lived experience of learning disability, supported living or Care services, please contact us to find out more.

Steph Brown